Dorsa Brevia Conference
The conference of the Martian underground was held in Dorsa Brevia in circa 2107 (local year M-40). The idea of a conference was initiated by Art Randolph and spread by Art and Nirgal over the underground. The conference was organized by the Swiss from Overhangs. During the conference, Nadia Cherneshevsky realized she had important negotiating skills, Sax Russell and Ann Clayborne once again debated over terraforming and Praxis founder William Fort and other Praxis leaders came to visit from Terra.
The conference produced the Dorsa Brevia Declaration with several points of common understanding by all parties:
1. Mars will be a world of different cultures and religions; none should dominate over the other.
2. All individuals should have some inalienable rights: material existence, health care, education, legal equality.
3. The Martian land, air, water are common goods and cannot be owned.
4. The fruits of an individual's labor belong to this individual; Martian human labor is part of a communal enterprise; the Martian economic system should balance self-interest and the society's interests.
5. Martian economics will be based on ecologic science and should serve the prosperity of the entire biosphere; thus the metanational order is not sustainable.
6. The environmental alterations should be minimalist and ecopoetic; their goal should be to make the portion lower than 5 km above datum humanly viable, anything above (amounting to 30% of Mars's surface) will exist as natural wilderness zones.
7. The habitation of Mars is a first in human history and should serve as a precedent for human habitation of the solar system and for human relationship with the environment; a spirit of reverence should exist towards Mars and life in the universe.
The Dorsa Brevia Declaration was an important basis for the Pavonis Mons Congress where the Martian constitution was created.