The Ministry around the World
Submitted by Kimon
The Ministry for the Future has generated quite some buzz in wide-ranging circles, not only in the science fiction circles but also in anything from environmental activists and current event commentators to international institutions and in anyone who is interested in imagining alternatives. It was helped by KSR's appearance at the last COP but also by the current moment in public discourse, where it would appear we are at a turning point towards taking sustainability issues seriously, despite all odds.
Some more KSR interviews and podcasts before and after COP26:
At the 4th edition of the Paris Peace Forum: Engineered climate: The needed governance of Solar Radiation Modification (YouTube video)
At the Climate Crisis Advisory Group public meetings of January 2022: What needs to be achieved in 2022 to ensure a manageable future for humanity? (YouTube video)
At the Long Now talks: Climate Futures: Beyond 02022 (YouTube video) -- a great long-ranging talk as the Long Now series tend to be, on Ministry and its reception, on what KSR learnt from COP26, and more.
Of particular interest to Ministry and its focus on India, at the Jaipur Literature Festival ("the world's largest book show"), in conversation with writer Raghu Karnad: The Urgency of Borrowed Time. The recording is available on YouTube. The event generated some buzz in India: a report on Mint Lounge, another report on News9Live.
An Orbit Books discussion between KSR and science fiction writer Lincoln Michel about capitalism, climate change and the future of New York City.
At TYT's The Damage Report: A Climate Plan For A World In Flames (on YouTube).
At the Your Undivided Attention podcast: How Science Fiction Can Shape Our Reality.
At the Manchester Green New Deal podcast: Sci-Fi is a Metaphor for How Now Feels.
A print interview in Spanish at Telos: El futuro inmediato será un desastre.
Another one in Spanish at Contra el diluvio: Hay un nicho ecológico para las historias que cuentan cómo alcanzar un mundo mejor desde el presente.
This website has existed for a while now -- all the links above and the list of past events KSR has participated in can be found at the Archive of Events page.
By the way, Ministry has been translated into Spanish (El ministerio del futuro, Minotauro) and German (Das Ministerium für die Zukunft, Heyne Verlag; includes a preview of the first 70 pages) -- at least!
Chapter 57 of Ministry was published on, quite fittingly, Anthropocene Magazine, and it is available to read.
Ministry has inspired a whole new podcast: Climate Futures, by Annelisa Kingsbury Lee, has interviews with people researching the ideas mentioned in KSR's novel.
And meanwhile, Matt & Hilary's podcast that is still called Marooned! on Mars has concluded 2312 and has begun its coverage of Green Earth!
Ministry reviews, in no particular order:
- Fritz Heidorn for Klimafakten (in German)
- Thomas Hummitzsch in Die Freitag and in Intellectures (in German)
- Maximilian Probst in Zeit (in German)
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) (in German)
- Marten Hahn in SWR2 (in German)
- Borja Bilbao in Windumanoth (in Spanish)
- Sean Estelle for Shred Magazine
- A video discussion of Ministry with Sean Estelle, Jacobin's Daniel Aldana Cohen and the Marooned! on Mars podcast's Hilary Strang and Matt Hauske
- Elizabeth Anker for By My Solitary Hearth
- Colin Steele for the Canberra Times
- Gabriel (Gav) Sturm and Shannon O'Brien for Berkeley Science Review
- Marc de Faoite for The Vibes
- Tim Louis (Vancouver lawyer and former city councillor) for Straight and on his website
- Danny Crichton for TechCrunch
- David Fitzsimmons for Tucson/Arizona Daily Star (needs login)
- Ted Glick for Dissident Voice
- Gerry Canavan for the Los Angeles Review of Books
- Cory Doctorow for Locus Mag and more on his blog and his other blog
- Dave Gamrath for Real Change News
- Steve Ghan for Tumbleweird
- Ethan for Examined Worlds
- Mike Sandler for the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability
- Gerard Madden for Rupture
- Robert Christgau
- David Oates for 3 Quarks Daily
- Brendan Myers
- Michael Kalm for Psychiatric News
- Dave Gamrath for Green Valley News
- Patrick Depret-Guillaume for the Garrett County Republican
Book clubs! Ministry was selected by SciFiEconomics/Edgy Ryders, by Gaianism (where KSR also appeared, apparently), by the Albany Public Library and by Steamboat Pilot.
Ministry was in The Economist's best books of 2020. It was in Grist's reading list and New Scientist's reading list for climate fiction. It was in Otago Daily News' Top 10 of 2021 (New Zealand) and in Die Zukunft's best of 2021. It was recommended by New Scientist's Rowan Hooper, by Financial Times' Pilita Clark, by Radio West and by the McGill Reporter. It was on international bestsellers lists as well as California bestsellers lists.
Ministry also generated and inspired articles and thought pieces around the world. A non-exhaustive list and in no particular order:
- A poem by Christyl Rivers inspired by Ministry!
- An academic paper by Jeffrey Benjamin Meyers, Toward a Post-Apocalyptic Rule of Law, that quotes Ministry!
- The Good Men Project podcast discussed climate science and Ministry
- A podcast on US politics mentioned Ministry
- A Point Reyes Light article on discussing the future with younger generations refered to KSR
- A Bloomberg article talked about research on heat waves risk in India and mentioned Ministry
- A Washington Post article used the examples of KSR's Ministry, Asimov's Foundation and Herbert's Dune in talking about long-term planning
- An Irish Times article bases its argumentation regarding carbon trading around Ministry
- A Lexology article on climate legal action (need login)
- A Daily Maverick article on imagining the future
- An Irish Times article on how popular culture can help address the climate crisis
- A New Yorker comment by Raghu Karnad (who also interviewed KSR) on India's climate action
- A Bloomberg opinion discussing solar geoengineering
- A Hankyoreh article (Korea) on Ministry and the Netflix series The Silent Sea
- A Greenfield Recorder article on the importance of trees
- A Fair Observer article on eco-terrorism
- A Forbes article on "seven climate movies (and the one we need next)" (hint: Ministry is that last one!)
- A CBC article on COP26
- A Pebble Mag article on climate fiction
- A CNN report from COP26 refers to KSR
- A Caixin opinion on COP26 refers to KSR
- An article by Andreas Malm for Verso Books (whom KSR has referred to repeatedly) refers to Ministry once again
- A New York Magazine article on climate change reparation
- A Hill article on carbonoffsets and cryptocurrency trade
- A Discourse on Development article on the Half Earth concept and Aldo Leopold
That's "just" it, from what I could gather, on Ministry. Coming up in just two months, in May: KSR's non-fiction book on the Sierra Nevada, The High Sierra: A Love Story, by Little Brown!
(Top image from the latest IPCC report on climate change impacts)