21 Dec 2012

Coming in 2013 A.D.: SHAMAN

Submitted by Kimon

The title of Kim Stanley Robinson's next novel will be "SHAMAN"!

It will be published towards Autumn 2013.

It will, in part, take place in the landmark pictured below -- although the temperature of the site will be sensibly different.


And for the US edition:


On the phone with Davis-based science-fiction novelist Kim Stanley Robinson, whose "Mars" and "Three Californias" series are legendary in the genre.

"I'm finishing a novel set in the ice age, about the people who made the paintings in the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave in southern France, about 32,000 years ago," he said. "I do a lot of snow camping in the Sierra, and I put my snow knowledge into it and tried to explain how we became who we are now.

"It's only science and archaeology that allow us to write historical fiction with any accuracy," Robinson added. "So it's kind of science fiction in a way."

The title? "My publisher and I are still discussing that," he said. "It will be out in September. In the meantime, I'll bash away at something else."

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/12/16/5053511/lines-seasons-readings.html#sto...