Mars trilogy settlements

List of Martian settlements and cities in the Mars trilogy, in order of appearance.

See also:

First appeared in Red Mars

  • Underhill: first Martian city. Main article.
  • Dolmen Tor: big underground sequence of caves at Aureum Chaos where the Areophany team first hid for about two years. Used as refuge after the Areophany moved to Zygote.
  • Acheron: biomedical and biotechnology research center, the place where the longevity treatment was created. Main article.
  • Senzeni Na: mining mohole establishment, near Thaumasia. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress. Later became a dim historical monument. Meaning "what we have done?" in Zulu.
  • Echus Overlook: city built on a cliff, terraforming headquarters and later fliers' paradise. Main article.
  • Burroughs: second Martian capital city. Main article.
  • Bradbury (Point): at Nilosyrtis Mensae, North-West of Burroughs. Financed by Armscor. Nicosia-class city that looked like a city of Illinois. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress. Named after science fiction writer Ray Bradbury (who was born in Illinois).
  • Sheffield: home of the Martian end of the space elevator. Main article.
  • Sabishii: home of the Sabishii University. Main article.
  • Nicosia: tented city, first type of Martian city where the physical plant, farm and water station are separate from the town. East of Sheffield. John Boone was murdered there during the festival of its inauguration night. In 2061, declared itself an independent city; soon after, the First Martian Revolution began; first city to be punctured by the rebels. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress. Named after the city in Cyprus.
  • Korolyov: used as a prison city by UNOMA prior to 2061, ruined during the First Martian Revolution. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress. Named after Russian rocket engineer Sergei Korolyov.
  • Carr: big domed city at Carr Crater. During the First Martian Revolution, it was under rebel dominion. It was destroyed by a UNOMA/transnational sabotage which resulted in the oxygen-enriched atmosphere to burn, during which Arkady Bogdanov died.
  • Cairo: big city South of Pavonis Mons, at 10 km above datum. During the First Martian Revolution, Frank Chalmers and Maya Toitovna attempted to establish a negotiation front with UNOMA there. It was taken over by UNOMA police. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Zygote, later became Gamete: home of the Areophany. Main article.

First appeared in Green Mars

  • Prometheus: series of sanctuaries near the South pole, occupied by Francophone utopists. Part of the underground. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Christianopolis: near the South pole, founded and populated by Christians. Produced light bulbs for the underground. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • (Bogdanov) Vishniac: mohole near the South pole occupied by Bogdanovists after the First Martian Revolution. The city developed like an amphitheater around the mohole, following Bogdanovist ideas on architecture. Was the industrial center of the underground; produced high-tech equipment and vehicles. It became the headquarters of Sax Russell and Spencer Jackson's industrial effort for the independence revolution. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Mauss Hyde: settlement near the South pole. Grew plants for the underground Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Gramsci: settlement near the South pole, part of the underground. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Overhangs: Swiss settlement, part of the underground. Shot down by UNTA police. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Kasei Vallis: low-profile security system center and police force training camp for UNTA and transnational police. Also served as a prison. Highly guarded. Sax Russell was tortured there; Phyllis Boyle was killed during his rescue by the underground.
  • Tharsis Tholus: part of the demimonde, populated by Bogdanovists and Reds. Housed a clinic serving the underground. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Dorsa Brevia: home of the Dorsa Brevia Conference of the underground. Main article.
  • Rumi: main Sufi settlement at the South, near the South pole. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • New Vanuatu: near the South pole, occupied by Polynesians. Built inside a lava tunnel, shaped to look like Polynesia. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Nirgal Vallis: huge tenting over an entire canyon. Tented circa 2107. Had a river flowing in it, supported its own ecosystem/mesocosm. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Odessa: eventually a port city on the shores of the Hellas Sea. Main article.
  • Dao Vallis: huge tenting over an entire canyon, 10 km wide. Went from the Hellas Basin, where the main city Hell's Gate was situated, to close to Hadriaca Patera. Had a river flowing in it, supported its own ecosystem/mesocosm. A 10 km-long bridge, held by 600 m-tall towers, supported the train piste above Hell's Gate. The canyon and Hell's Gate were represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Harmakhis-Reull system: huge tenting over an entire canyon, 10 km wide. Began at the Hellas Basin, where the main city Sukhumi was situated, and went dozens of kilometers to the East. Had a river flowing in it, supported its own ecosystem/mesocosm. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Montepulciano: city at the Hellespontus Montes, South-West of Odessa. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress.
  • Hiranyagarbha: rumored to have been founded by Hiroko Ai after Sabishii was burned. Was represented at the Pavonis constitutional congress. Means "golden embryo" in Sanskrit, part of a creation myth in Hindi mythology.
  • Da Vinci Crater: Main article.

First appeared in Blue Mars


  • Boone Harbor: city at Tempe Terra where the labs of Harry Whitebook were located after the Second Martian Revolution. At the shore of Oceanus Borealis.
  • Mangala: capital city of Mars built after the independence revolution. Constructed as a work of art. Home of the duma and seat of the Martian government.
  • Nilokeras: large harbour town on Chryse Gulf.
  • Moreux Crater: between Mangala and Bradbury Point. Sheltered an entire mesocosm under its large tent, home of a co-operative that developed new tent material and mining techniques, in which Zo worked.
  • Rhodos: on the continental side of the Narrows, harbor town from which the Grand Canal began.